Electronic Learning, Tele-Teaching and Tele-Coaching in School, Adult Education and Vocational Training


On the background of globalization, development of ICT and knowledge based society we are confronted with the necessarities of life long learning in a world of flexible and independent learning processes.

E-Learning is a major possibility to solve these approaches...

To develop these possibilities, we not only need a technical infrastructure but a set of conceptions and clear understandings of the dimensions of eLearning in terms of didactics and methods of teaching.


... when technical, methodical preconditions and human resources are built up.

An important element of dissemination of eLearning will be the human resources-, the people that support this process. We want to show that the qualifications needed for traditional training in attendance differ quite a lot from those needed for web based training and e-tutoring support. That means that these new skills and competences has to be trained. 

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